The EDI Jester Royalty – Program Objectives

Primary Objective

“Provide participants with a model for personal development, enabling a high-level overview of the EDI landscape, empowering them to evaluate differing approaches, consider them in relation to implementation, and do so in a way that demonstrates rigour in thinking that leads to coherence with their current situation.”

Program Objectives

The Program objectives are the breakdown of the primary objective, a less low resolution if you will, but an overview of how you will approach the subjects in each module.

Each module then contains seminars (one per month on the standard program), which again have their own specific objectives.

The Primary Objectives are for you to…

  1. Collaborate in monthly seminars online.
  2. Author a learning diary.
  3. Appraise the resources provide and share your findings with others.
  4. Evaluate the historical, social, and cultural nature of the EDI field as pertains to the UK.
  5. Deconstruct differing ideas about EDI.
  6. Create a personal narrative from your own research.
  7. Consider ideas around the effects of technology and EDI.
  8. Differentiate from your learning what will be good EDI practice for you.
  9. Contrast the costs of differing EDI practice (economic, social, and cultural).
  10. Investigate the best route forward for you.
  11. Create a vision for EDI in your field and garner feedback from the other participants.

The individual module objectives will be sent to you as we progress, the seminar module objectives are provided at the seminars to ensure clarity in our endeavours.


The program makes full use of the resources available to us, from various sources, in a variety of forms.

A monthly seminar will bring new thinking to you and a summary will be provided when each seminar finishes. This will also contain resources for the coming month, including websites, videos, books, podcasts, films, and other visual media (not all in the same month).

The program will cover many areas of interest, philosophy, media, history, and anthropology, along with others will help you gain an understanding of this complex field and make good decisions.

Your Commitment

The only real commitments that we would say (rather cheekily) were mandatory, would be the monthly seminar of 1 hour and the learning diary. This is likely to be where the most important part of learning, reflecting personally and then sharing your thinking with others, will likely occur. You will get the most from the program if you do engage fully, but the choice is of course, yours.

In terms of time commitment, we suggest that the resources marked as primary would be the minimum you would want to undertake. We estimate this to be around 4 hours a month. However, this is difficult to ascertain as some months may be more and others less. Bear in mind, that the nature of some resources mean they are a pleasurable thing to do, such as film watching or book reading, with personal development.